Honda Kanada Berjuang Dari Kebangkrutan.

Halo bro semuanya, kali ini kita lari ke daratan Amerika,,, Mendengarkan presentasi menarik di Cape Breton oleh Warren Milner, manajer pemasaran senior untuk divisi sepeda motor Honda Kanada. 🙄

Menurut Milner, “sejauh yang kita khawatirkan, bisnis sepeda motor (di Kanada) itu bangkrut hahaha. Kami telah mencapai titik dasar, jadi sekarang kita akan membangun kembali.” Dan dia berbicara tentang Honda – penjual sepeda motor terbesar di Kanada sana.

Masalah pada Honda ada dua: Sudah menjual sepeda motor murah dalam rangka memerangi resesi dan kurangnya kas di luar sana untuk produk seperti sepeda motor, tambah lagi citra yang kurang bagus. 😯

Bahkan, meskipun Honda ternyata baik-baik saja di seluruh dunia dengan penjualan motor nya, Milner mengatakan bahwa tiga produsen Jepang lainnya, Yamaha, Suzuki dan Kawasaki, “kehilangan untung besar. Dan proyeksi untuk dua tahun selanjutnya adalah bahwa mereka akan kehilangan untung besar. ”

Tidak hanya Honda lho, pabrikan lainya juga… Khususnya pabrikan jepang... meskipun Motor terlaris di Kanada sekarang adalah Kawasaki Ninja 250, yang secara teknis tidak mahal untuk diproduksi. Tepat di belakang nya adalah Honda CBR 125R, yang ditujukan langsung pada pemuda dan pembalap pemula. sekali lagi,,, roda terus berputar…

masalahnya yaitu tentang power house, masih kurang paham tentang masalah ini, sejauh ini baru ini sebab utamanya… Tolong dibantu yah bro… terjemahannya… 🙂

The Powerhouse principle is that everything in the store is Honda, because the company doesn’t like the salespeople in multiline dealerships selling customers anything but Hondas, which happens whenever one of its rivals decides to boost the incentive that week for a particular motorcycle. But motorcyclists like to buy bikes from other motorcyclists, and they don’t like stores that have cars on display on the other side of the showroom (though this seems to work okay for BMW – different breed there).
So Honda’s going to be running a campaign that tells people about its 40 Powerhouse stores, which currently account for 40 per cent of its motorcycle sales: How the sales people are not allowed to cross over between cars and bikes, for example, and how you can watch your bike being serviced, and pay posted prices for the work performed on it.
In fact, not all of the Powerhouse stores sell cars – those are the “Auto Powerhouses” – but they do all sell the generators and outboards and lawn mowers that Honda also brought out here to this presentation. And that’s still part of the problem. Motorcycle guys, including myself, were introduced to the line of power equipment and happily went back and forth here cutting the grass, when we were really out here to ride bikes. It was fun (and the lawn mower was great – I’m going to buy one) but where’s the priority? Do they cross over?

Silahkan dikomentari…semoga bermanfaat…

MnM, sumber :

12 Responses to “Honda Kanada Berjuang Dari Kebangkrutan.”
  1. satmer August 27, 2010
  2. satmer August 27, 2010
  3. Djaloed August 27, 2010
  4. Joko August 27, 2010
  5. avatarx August 27, 2010
  6. Legenda Rider August 27, 2010
  7. sobek2 August 28, 2010
  8. asmarantaka August 28, 2010

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