Honda CBR250R di India memang banyak problema

Halo bro semuanya 😀 , India adalah negara dengan pasar motor terbesar kedua di Dunia setelah China, dengan regulasi yang gak begitu rumit (kalo dibanding Indonesia :mrgreen: ) membuat aneka jenis motor dan mobil bertebaran disana dan konsumen punya banyak pilihan, mulai dari entry level (8 jutaan) sampe Superbike atau Hyperbike yang Ratusan Juta

Namun, gak semua motor yang ada disana itu “Oke”, bahkan untuk pabrikan sekelas Honda, dimana untuk Varian CBR250R memiliki banyak problema, di salah satu blog saya, ada orang India (sudah di track IP-nya dan bener orang sono 😀 ) yang komen (tepatnya curhat :mrgreen: ) tentang kondisi motornya, berhubung bahasa inggrisnya lumayan kacau, langsung saya copas aja kesini

I own a cbr 250r black color , and since iv taken the delivery there are many problems with the bike ,
1 – engine started knocking after riding professionally ,cz i m a professional rider and i ride high end bikes too,so i can easily make out the problem areas in cbr 250r ,
2- i got the front fork assy replaced by the company ,om sai honda dealers told me that i vl hve to pay for that part cz it doesnt cme under warranty ,but the fact is that if any such part gets rusted within 40000km then it wd cme under warranty. after fighting with them and warning them they changed the part. engine is too noisy , and there are lot of vibrations in the fairing too. and the mechanics are havn very poor knowlegde abt the bike ,they cdnt even make out that engine is knocking and noisy .
3-very poor service ,,, the silencor was leaked from the gasket packing , they dnt knw how to fix tht problem , i cme home and i did it myself at my workshop..
4 – and there are illiterate people at service centre ,they cnt even talk properly …

Ini juga

HONDA two wheelers must recall all the cbr 250r bikes which have been delivered till 2011 dec . and must replce the cheap components …. if they dnt even then i vl gve my bike for service next month and i have again warned them that i will sue them if they dnt fix the engine noise of my bike. and they have agreed to gve me warranty claim for the engine …

Trus ini lagi

I have Honda CBR250R, it was find until first service. After first service, i have noticed that rattle sound from engine (not sure if it is from engine), it happens around 5 RPM and above. Mechanics are not able to fix this problem. They deny saying it’s normal in all bikes, but that is not the case. I test rode my friend’s bike and it did not have rattle sound.
This sound is similar to knocking sound. I don’t know what to do now. I have sent an e-mail to HSMI.

Kesimpulannya adalah

  1. Mesinnya knocking
  2. Ada bagian yang berkarat sebelum 4000 km
  3. Mesin berisik dan fairing terlalu bergetar
  4. Pelayanan dealer sangat buruk, dan tidak tau caranya menyelesaikan masalah
  5. dan beberapa hal lain

Kalo ada yang jago bhs inggris, silahkan di translate bro, aslinya komennya banyak, cuma bahasanya pada mbingungi :mrgreen: dan beberapa saya hapus karena pada nyepam, sekian


23 Responses to “Honda CBR250R di India memang banyak problema”
  1. Sendal.bolong April 2, 2012
  2. Iwan Budi Santoso April 2, 2012
  3. nanared April 2, 2012
  4. gansoco April 2, 2012
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  6. Gardu Motor April 2, 2012
  7. H. Prof. Dr. Ir. KIWIL DLL. DST.=sales itu ngasih petunjuk bukan cuma membujuk April 2, 2012
  8. Mercon C gak Mretelli April 2, 2012
  9. smartf41z April 2, 2012
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  12. Indra April 2, 2012
  13. Everyone April 3, 2012
  14. rc212vblog April 3, 2012
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